Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Keep calm, keep giong.

That is what the signs say. Posted all over our street are bright red signs stapled to the power poles. They say "Keep Calm, Keep Going". They are probably posted for a marathon or something. Bright red. Hard to miss. Appeared yesterday. I wish they said: "To Chris - Signed God" I will keep going but sometimes it is hard to keep calm but I am trying to do what the signs say.

If John's kidneys do not start to show progress by Thursday he will be on dialysis. Pray for his creatinine to start to clear. It hasn't yet. It just sits there.

Thank you all for praying. We do need a miracle.


The Invisible Mo said...

I kind of think they did say "To Chris - signed God." I think it was in the fine print.

What are the chances really? I believe everything happens for a reason and those signs are there for you, no matter what the actual reason for their existence is.

I'm off tomorrow and Thursday. Let me know if you want me to come lend some moral support. I still have some phlegm in my system, and a slight occasional cough (from said phlegm). I don't think I'm contagious, but I'm willing to wear a mask. I will phone you tomorrow sometime or you phone me when you are at the apartment, if you are. If not I will look here for your answer.

Sue said...

God uses all sorts of things and people to speak to us!
The way he brought you and "The invisible Mo" together through blogging for a time such as this is another way he is showing you how much he cares for you and John.
Mo you are a Godsend to this family!