Thursday, October 8, 2009

I'm Here

Hi everyone. Just a quick update cause I'm TIRED.

Gramma and I made it safe and sound, although I did lose her briefly in Seattle airport. Next time, I'm tying her to me. Everything else went very smoothly, and Mel will be happy to know our customs guy was a sweetie and even said he'd pray for Dad.

Seattle is BEAUTIFUL. What a pretty city. I drove to the grocery store tonight.

Dad is... Well, I'll be honest. He looks so frail, and he was all wired up, and he is still very confused. It is hard to see him like this and just want him to suddenly look over at you and just be... Him. I got to pat his head though. His hair is growing back, and it is soft like a bunny rabbits.

When I arrived he was very happy to see Hannah and me, but he insisted that I had brought Ben when I told him I hadn't. Poor Dad. He'd like all his grand-treasures here with him, I'm sure. Hannah was her usual charming self and made him smile though, so we're all glad she's here. (Mom of course can't get enough of our little banana baby.)

Dad is having 36 hours of dialysis and he is in ICU so they can monitor him while they do that. Plus there was some heart catheter thing going on, or it is going on, or something. It can tell the doctors whether there is fluid there that needs to be removed. I think they are hoping that once he is all caught up, and some of that fluid is taken out, a lot of the things that are causing troubles will go away. Please pray that they are right and that this works. Please also pray that in his tiredness he won't give up, that he'll somehow find the strength to keep fighting.

Love and hugs to all of you and many BIG thanks to those that prayed for me today. After stressing about the trip, I have to confess, I almost enjoyed it and flying into Seattle from Vancouver was the prettiest thing I've seen maybe ever.

Gramma is staying with Dad tonight so Mom can get some rest. Hopefully she will have a good sleep since she had a pretty long day of travelling today.

More tomorrow... Err... Today... Later today. Wait. What time IS it? Mom and Dad really need to consider setting the computer clock to Seattle time. Or is it already?

Either way, I'm going to sleep.


The Invisible Mo said...

Well, you posted that at eleven something, so it was still today.

Sue said...

So happy for you and Grandma are you are there with your Dad.
Praying for all those things you mentioned and more.
Thanks for the update.

P.S. Glad you found Grandma. I hope she wasn't too freaked out. :)

Margaret said...

Thanks so much for the update, Becky. I, too, will pray for all the things you mentioned. I pray you have a good visit with your Dad.

Unknown said...

I'm really glad that you guys made it alright, except for Grandma getting lost for a bit. LOL I'm really hoping that what the doctor's say is right, that if they can remove all that fluid that some of the problems will go away.